Baneh Magic

Magical Musings on Mundane Matters

Cleaning Your Home: How Clean Is Your House?

Cleaning Your Home: How Clean Is Your House?

Your counters will look cleaner and you’ll have more room to cook. If you have a garage, take a hard look at it to see how you can reorganize and remove clutter. Move your spring and summer equipment — sports equipment, bikes, garden tools, camping equipment — to an area that’s easy to access.

home cleaning intitle:how

“You should also make sure to disinfect these brushes and other cleaning appliances each week to ensure you are not spreading around bacteria,” says Lee. Ensure that your cleaning tools are clean before you start using them. This will make the cleaning process more efficient and effective. Routinely clean your drains with a combination of baking soda and vinegar, followed by hot water, to prevent clogs. A clean home can lead to a clearer mind and make you more efficient.

Find a furniture cleaning company in your area that provides professional deep cleaning, helps extend the life of your furniture and restores quality. We talked to Vera Peterson, president of Molly Maid, for some tips on deep cleaning your house. “Get into the habit of lightly cleaning and organizing your kitchen after each use; do a more deep cleaning at least once a week,” King recommends. As you move to the bedroom, the first thing on your mind should be decluttering – this involves removing all clothes, shoes and other items that don’t belong in the bedroom. “As you vacuum or sweep the floors, make an effort to get into all the corners of the room and under the bed,” explains King. “Begin by removing any debris or larger objects from the floor, such as toys or furniture; you clear the path to make vacuuming easier,” says King. For best results, clean the floor twice a week or as needed if you have a high-traffic household (pets and children).

A dirty exhaust tube can easily start a dangerous fire. Also, if you have a fireplace, get the chimney inspected for safety. After a winter of using your furnace and fireplace (if you have one), the first thing you’ll want to do is clear the air. The longer those ashes sit there, the more they’ll float through your home, settling on furniture as dust.

Spray your pet’s food bowls with cooking spray

Life gets hectic, and while you’re busy living it, dirt and clutter can build up quickly. Take a timeout to clean and get organized as the seasons change, and keep your house in tip-top shape all year. You can tackle one room a day, or knock out the whole house in a weekend. In terms of tools, a few microfiber cloths will do nicely, as well as a scrub brush, a mop and a vacuum or broom. Read more about bathroom cleaning here. She says you may also need a duster (or you can improvise with a sock!). Before you start deep cleaning, do some basic tidying up. Many of us are spending a lot more time at home than in years past.

Your mattress and bedding

So we reached out to the pros for their insider secrets and tricks of the trade. All you have to do now is gather up your home cleaning supplies and get started.

How to Clean a Leather Couch Like a Pro

Make sure to get behind the toilet, in small corners and between the vanity and wall if these areas are reachable. Keeping your fans clean helps maintain their performance to cool your home more efficiently. Wipe down and dust your light fixtures and ceiling fans with a microfiber cloth.



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